Mikey's artwork was recently chosen to be shown at the Imagination Celebration. Here it is!!! He is s great artist and is always working on a project!!
Will and Nate singing "My Endless Love" to eachother. Look at Reagan's grin is the Karaoking or her Bucees t-shirt shes smiling about? Me and Jess. I love you Jess!! Jess and the boys (zac, garrett and chris)
Will with his "cool" glasses The Girls and Garrett We had a little back to school karaoke party with some of the youth from church this week. Here are some of the highlights!!
We just got back from our cruise. Our friends Mark and Courtney let us tag along. Thanks guys for letting us come. We had a blast!!!
Chad and I of course both found time to talk on the phone while were in Mexico. But not too much later Chad was walking along the pier and accidentally dropped his phone into the ocean. We were too far up and we knew there was no way we would ever see that phone again.
When we got to Mexico we took a taxi to a beach called La Playa Mia. They had a rockwall to climb out in the water. They also had a water trampoline and paddle boats. We had a great time. Thanks for planning and taking me on a cruise Chaddy!!!
Here's our cute little Kates now (Andrew made up that nickname for her and it stuck). She's eating a jam sandwich for the first time. She more than loved it, as you can see!!
Here are some pics from Brooke's baptism and Kate's blessing. We had them blessed and baptized on the same day. Chad's family came and Jess had Serenity blessed the same day. What a bunch of cuties!!! Oh and Andrew isn't in the pic with the other kids because we couldn't get him to leave the gym. He was "busy" playing basketball!!!
So I'm finally doing it... Writing a post after how long? The Christmas card picture you see in my last blog is now missing a child, and the crazy thing is I wasn't even pregnant yet. That's how long it's been!!!! As most all of you should or hopefully know we had our adorable Kate Mckenna last November. I'll post some pics. She is the perfect ending to our little family. Kate's a little calmer like Mikey, but she also has that fire in her like Brooke and Andrew. We are still loving it here in Houston. They keep the restaurants and movie theaters so cold here that the humidity has actually become a comforting warmth. Like wrapping yourself in a big warm blanket and walking outside in 100 degree weather :) Anyway more to come. I'll post some pics of Kate since she is THE Most Exciting Thing that has happened since I last posted!!